Accurate and Reliable

Precision and accuracy are critical for any successful treatment.
You can rely on validated technology to build up a good reputation.

Develop your IP

Pointer development method reduces your overhead resources and allows you to focus on your goals and your core IP

Development and regulation

A dedicated QA team, V&V services, documentation of the development process and traceability are part of the services we can deliver allowing you to keep track with the regulation development guidelines

Medical device & Digital healthcare

Pointer Software systems provides end-to-end medical software development services to healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, digital health startups, and medical device manufacturers.
The development process of a medical system is complex and long lasting, hence, choosing the right partner with ability to handle complex development over time is crucial. We at Pointer Software systems focusing on precision and accurate performance to ensure security , healthcare data interoperability, and follow The regulation guidelines.
We take your concepts into state-of-the-art reality, helping you deliver your products to market maturity with our solutions.

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Plan and implement development process

Prototyping infrastructure for rapid development

FDA/CE software validation & verification

Defining the application and software requirements

Hands-on development

Models and packages definitions

Framework design and definition based on global view of requirements

Application requirements

Application design

Application software/feature implementation

Application reviews

Application releases

Application testing

Application configuration management

Application quality assurance


Group 5993 (2)


Precision and Accuracy are critical for successful treatment.
Rely on Validated technology to achieve it
We help you build up a good Reputation

Group 5994


We delivered healthcare projects from embedded to turn key software systems, allowing you to keep your Focus and Resources on your core IP, hitting your goals with no delays..

Group 5995


Our development is designed to follow up with regulation requirements such as GDPR and HIPAA this includes software documentation, Verification &Validation , Independent QA team and development traceability

Development scope

Web desktop and mobile applications for the medical arena

Developing software to real time embedded systems

IoT software development for medical and lifestyle applications

Turn-key projects , from concept to reality


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Boston Scientific